When we talk about SMS, we tend to think of it primarily in terms of marketing, promotion, getting the word out about your particular service or business. There’s nothing wrong with that, per se. Money may not make the world go around, but the profits made from buying and selling are pretty crucial. You see this perspective in play when professional publications discuss the state of the SMS industry. Take, for instance, this quote from an opinion piece in Telecoms.com:
Consider that opening phrase: “It is a trusted, secure and effective messaging channel for business …” Now SMS is certainly dependable, safeguards one’s privacy, and easily reaches its intended recipients. But that final “for business” part? Though well intended, it sells SMS so terribly short.
Imagine the following: Your kids are traveling on a church retreat. It’s several hours to their destination, a long bus ride clear into another state. Of course, you’re not an obsessive parent by any means, but you can’t help but notice that the routes their bus will travel is plagued with heavy traffic and stippled with accidents. Just before bedtime, though, your cell dings. It’s an automated text from the organizers explaining that the group arrived safely and providing local contact information.
Such a scenario is just one of many possibilities where SMS marketing can add value in a non-business-related setting. Doctors can remind patients of appointments made months prior, appointments that might not have made it into their calendars. Schools can alert parents and students of upcoming meetings and major assignments. Pharmacies can fulfill routine medication refills. Political campaigns can conduct polls or alert supporters to a candidate’s media appearances.
Can you see all of the different applications? The usual paradigm for SMS discussions involves dollars and cents, response rates and returns on initial outlays, campaign costs and completed objectives. We like talking about all these things at UltraSMSScript, yet we’d be the first to submit that they’re only the tip of the so-called iceberg. Just as the mobile phone fills every corner of modern existence, so SMS can provide utility that’s just as expansive. More than just marketing, it’s a tool for everyday living.
The best way to experience the platform is to take it for a test drive.

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